Sunday, June 29, 2008

Small Group Good Times

Time for some pictures! Here are a couple from the bonfire, and the rest can be found on my Flickr account.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sturtevant Falls

You guys missed a really cool hike today. It was fairly easy and not too hot. The best part was the cabins that run along the trail along to the waterfall. Enjoy the picture of Denise and I (the guy who volunteered to take them fell into the water trying to get a good shot!). Hope you can come next time.

Monday, May 19, 2008


The small group celebration dinner (and super-cool after party) was so much fun. I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with such great friends. For those of you who actually read this blog (and I suspect it's just me), thanks for being part of such a great small group... you all make a major difference in my life.

And for those of you who had more important things to do on Sunday night... I still love you too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

No reason

Grete made a good point tonight... what are we supposed to post on this small group blog? Well, I can't remember what made me so excited to set up a blog for our small group. I was really excited and now I have no idea why. Any thoughts as to how this blog might be anything more than our attempt to be cooler than the other small groups?

Monday, March 31, 2008

All group hiking trip!!

Attention coolest small group ever!! We have two upcoming hiking trips for any and all interested parties. One this Saturday (April 5th) to Monrovia Canyon Falls (4 miles round trip). We'll be going again the next Saturday with anyone who couldn't make it on the 5th. Let me know if you're interested. I tried to think of something funny to end this post with, but I can't come up with anything.... I HAVE A DOG! (If that makes no sense to you, it's cause you didn't come to small group last week and we miss you!!!!)

Monday, March 10, 2008


Well groupies... here is it. Our group blog. For those of you new the blog world... tutoring can be held at the next meeting. This is a place for us to update each other, pass along messages, and share thoughts. Right now it's a public blog (so everyone can revel in our wonderfulness), but it can be made private in the future if the group decides. Enjoy!