Monday, May 19, 2008


The small group celebration dinner (and super-cool after party) was so much fun. I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with such great friends. For those of you who actually read this blog (and I suspect it's just me), thanks for being part of such a great small group... you all make a major difference in my life.

And for those of you who had more important things to do on Sunday night... I still love you too.


Anonymous said...

Look! I read it! It's like almost a month later and I should be writing a paper (I've been working on it for 2 hours, so I deserve a break), but I'm reading!

Just wanted to offer that encouragement :)

Maybe people could share fun stories here or post-discussion thoughts? And we can comment on them? Just a thought...

S said...

Someone does read it!! I feel validated (but only slightly because it was only a procrastination... but I'll take it anyway).